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Dear Leila, thank you for sharing your story🙏 I hear you! I see you 🫂❤️

I started listening to your podcast the day this post came out, and had to take a pause until I felt ready. I feel a lot of gratitude and appreciation for your courage in sharing your termination experience.

While I personally have not experienced a pregnancy termination, my grandmother went through two pregnancy losses- terminations herself, and I remember seeing her tear up for the first time in my life, when she briefly mentioned it to me in a conversation one day. I was somewhere in my early 20s and she was in her 70s and it was so unusual for me to see my grandma, a woman of great courage and unvavering optimism being affected by this memory, and I felt some tears approaching in myself as I witnessed her and your stories then and now... I want to talk her more this summer...

Holding a memory of my grandma's termination story as you were sharing your experience, I felt pulsating waves through my body what felt like resonance in response to your experience, and wanted to give you a hug 🫂❤️🙏

I don't have many words, just feeling deep gratitude for you sharing your story, for continuing to heal your lineage and for helping others remember deep ansestrial lessons🙏

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